Brick Oven Pizzeria

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Proper Brick Oven

90-100 Words / 520-600 Characters w/out spaces. 



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Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs pork chop t-bone fatback salami. Kielbasa sirloin pancetta pork belly porchetta. Beef fatback chislic swine pork loin. Pork chop leberkas pancetta brisket drumstick, salami shoulder. Short loin kevin strip steak doner alcatra pork loin ham hock andouille pork belly frankfurter. Doner prosciutto ham, chislic porchetta capicola chuck pastrami picanha pig alcatra sirloin corned beef boudin. Shank pork loin ribeye turkey drumstick meatloaf tail doner leberkas pastrami landjaeger strip steak. Brisket buffalo cow spare ribs, pork chuck kevin pork belly turducken hamburger.

Built By: The Blair Family

Year Built: 2016

Location: New Mexico

Oven Kit: 36" Mattone Cupola • Package 2

Number of Photos: 24

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90-100 Words.  520-600 Characters w/out spaces.


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Built By: The Blair Family

Year Built: 2016

Location: New Mexico

Oven Kit: 36" Mattone Cupola • Package 2

Number of Photos: 24

"After tons of research, I decided to go with Brickwood Ovens 36" Mattone Cupola - Package 2.  It was awesome and the most economical too.  It was cheaper to have it delivered to my doorstep than buy the castable refractory locally.  I would recommend this kit to anyone!"

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