Outdoor Grill with Pizza Oven
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Built By: The Krasniansky Family
Year Built: 2017
Location: California
Oven Kit: 28" Cupola · Package 2
Number of Photos: 2
Homeowner Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Built By: The Krasniansky Family
Year Built: 2017
Location: California
Oven Kit: 28" Cupola · Package 2
Number of Photos: 2
Homeowner Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"We made an outdoor grill with pizza oven! We tried to make it look modern, so we squared off the wood oven after we cast it. We added the same flue as the wood oven and painted it black. We absolutely LOVE it!"
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