Patio Pizza Oven
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Built By: The Johnston Family
Year Built: 2020
Location: Florida
Oven Kit: 28" Cupola · Package 1
Number of Photos: 62
Homeowner Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Built By: The Johnston Family
Year Built: 2020
Location: Florida
Oven Kit: 28" Cupola · Package 1
Number of Photos: 62
Homeowner Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"We have been thrilled with Brickwood Oven's quality and attention to detail with the product and the instructions for construction. I took some short cuts on the base for a couple of reasons, but it still turned out great (I recommend following all of the instructions). We've made some awesome pizzas, cinnamon rolls, chicken wings, and roast. Highly recommend Brickwood Ovens for many years of fun and great food!"
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